Terms of Use

Snap Send Solve works cooperatively and collaboratively with many Councils and authorities across Australia and New Zealand. However, Snap Send Solve does not necessarily have any contract, arrangement, understanding, approval or affiliation with the Councils and authorities to whom it sends reports.

Snap Send Solve does not represent or warrant that any Council or authority to whom it sends a report will accept, act upon or resolve the incident or issue the subject of a report submitted by Snap Send Solve.

1. About Us

1.1 Snap Send Solve Pty Ltd (ABN 53 162 334 965) (Snap Send Solve) provides the Snap Send Solve Smartphone Application (App) with a facility to report to local government authorities and infrastructure authorities issues, problems or defects in community assets and infrastructure requiring repair or attention (Service). Snap Send Solve also provides services and the App to local councils and other authorities (Local Entities) under commercial licence arrangements.

2. Terms of Use and Privacy

2.1 By using the App and the Service, you (You, Your) agree to be bound by these terms of use (Terms). Please use the App and the Service only if You have read, understood and agree to the Terms.

2.2 By using the App and the Service, You consent to Snap Send Solve using the information You provide to it in accordance with Snap Send Solve’s Privacy Policy.

2.3 Snap Send Solve may from time to time update or modify these Terms and/or its Privacy Policy. These changes will be noted on the Snap Send Solve website (http://www.snapsendsolve.com/). By continuing to use the App or the Services You consent to any such updated or modified Terms or Privacy Policy.

3. Using the app

3.1 When using the App and the Service, You promise that You will: (a) use them for personal use only and not use it in connection with any commercial or business purpose except in accordance with any commercial licence agreement (see 3.2); (b) not criticise or damage the reputation of any person or entity; (c) not infringe any third party rights; and (d) not carry out any illegal or criminal purpose on or via the App or the Services.

3.2 You agree that if You are an employee, contractor, service provider, agent or representative of a Local Entity (Your Principal) You must only use the App and the Service in accordance with the terms of a commercial licence agreement between Snap Send Solve and Your Principal.  Unless the terms of the relevant commercial licence agreement provide otherwise, You must not use the Service to transmit information to your Principal.

3.3 If You are not the owner of the device on which the App or Services are accessed, You promise that You have the informed consent of the owner.

3.4 By using Snap Send Solve’s App and Services, You grant to Snap Send Solve a worldwide, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, right and license to host, store, use, copy, display, reproduce, adapt, edit, publish, modify and distribute information and content You post, upload, display or otherwise make available on the App and Services (collectively, “Content”), for the purpose of operating, developing, providing, and improving the Service and researching and developing new ones.

3.5 You acknowledge and agree that Your right to use the App or the Services may be revoked if You breach any of these Terms.

3.6 If you provide Snap Send Solve with your email address or mobile phone number, you consent to Snap Send Solve using those contact details to send you notices and promotions relevant to your use of the App and Services.

3.7 By using Snap Send Solve, You grant permission to the Authority that receives your information and content (Report) to on-send your Report to any other authority for the explicit purpose of responding to your Report. For example, if your Report is sent to a Local Council but in fact the responsible Authority is a Water Authority, you grant permission for the Local Council to send your Report to the Water Authority.

4. Representations

4.1 To the extent permitted by law, the App and the Services are provided to You on an “as is” basis and may contain errors, faults and inaccuracies and may not be complete or current.

4.2 Snap Send Solve makes no representations or warranties, express or implied with respect to the operation or suitability of the App or the Services for any particular purpose; the availability, performance, security, characteristics or operation of the App or the Services; or the truthfulness or reliability of content provided by any third party, and, to the extent permitted by law, will not be responsible for breach of any such express or implied term.

5. Intellectual Property

5.1 The text, images, designs, graphics, pictures, applications, software, music, sound files, animation files, video files and their arrangement on the App (including third party content) (App Content) are all subject to copyright and other intellectual property protection laws in Australia.

5.2 Snap Send Solve is the owner or licensee of all App Content. Apart from any use that is permitted under the Copyright Act all rights are reserved.

5.3 App Content may not be copied, reproduced, adapted, transmitted or distributed, nor may these objects be modified or reposted to other Internet sites, without Snap Send Solve’s consent. Some content is subject to the copyright rights of third party content providers.

5.4 You acknowledge that: all intellectual property rights in the App Content throughout the world belong to Snap Send Solve or its related entities, or its suppliers or affiliates; and these Terms do not transfer title to any intellectual property in the App Content to You.

6. Limitations of Liability

6.1 You agree that Your access to and use of the App and the Services, is subject to these Terms and is at Your sole risk.

6.2 To the extent permitted by law, You agree that Snap Send Solve will not be responsible or liable for any damages, economic loss or other loss whatsoever arising out of, or in any way related to the modification, interruption, suspension or discontinuation of the App; any technical faults which impact on the availability or use of the App or the Services; or Your use of the App, the Services or any App Content.

6.3 You acknowledge that the Services are not an emergency reporting tool, nor are they intended to be used for emergency reporting purposes, and Snap Send Solve makes no guarantees as to the availability of the App or the Services.

6.4 Certain legislation (including the Australian Consumer Law) may impose consumer guarantees or obligations upon Snap Send Solve which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified or cannot be excluded, restricted or modified except to a limited extent. These Terms must be read subject to these statutory provisions.

7. Termination

7.1 Snap Send Solve may, in its sole discretion, temporarily or permanently suspend or terminate the rights granted to You under these Terms if Snap Send Solve suspects in its sole discretion that You are not complying with the Terms or that You pose a threat to the App or the Services or their users or that Your conduct is inconsistent with Snap Send Solve’s brand values.

7.2 Snap Send Solve will not be liable for any cost, expense or damages whatsoever for suspension or termination of Your use.

8. General Provisions and Interpretation

8.1 These Terms are governed by the laws of Victoria, Australia.

8.2 These Terms, and documents incorporated by reference into these Terms, represent the entire agreement of the parties in relation to the use of the App and the Services. These Terms supersede all other representations, negotiations, arrangements, communications, understandings or agreements.

8.3 All rights not expressly stated in these Terms are reserved.

9. Contact and Violations

9.1 Snap Send Solve is responsible for addressing any questions, comments or claims relating to the App or the Services and Your use of them. If You have any comments, questions, complaints relating to the App or the Services, or would like to report a violation of any these Terms, please contact contact@snapsendsolve.com